Thursday, January 12, 2017


With deep sadness, we feel a need to share that Sue Garman has passed away.  We have received multiple inquiries regarding future availability of her patterns.  We want to assure you that the patterns will remain available through this website for years to come.  We are comforted knowing that she has touched so many people and that she lives on through your work.  ~ Sue's Daughters, Jenny Arkinson and Mary Garman

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!!!

Yes, we are already in the new year of 2017!  I celebrated with friends, but we ended the evening when New York's ball dropped...  I guess that many of my friends and I are showing our ages.  Nonetheless, we had a delicious dinner and warm friendship and went home an hour earlier than most folks might have. 

I had hoped to have a new post ready to put on my blog but somehow that didn't happen.  It's totally explainable, though.  I had many trips to MD Anderson Cancer Center in December, including two trips to the Emergency Room and lots of appointments with an assortment of doctors.  My cancer is getting worse, as I have not been able to take any chemo infusions for three months now.  The docs at MDACC are working hard on finding the reason for my issues - so hopefully I can restart my chemo pretty soon. 

So... don't lose faith in me and my blog.  I hope to have a bunch of photos to put up in the next couple of week - check on January 15 and see if I've met my goal.  I'll at least tell you that I have finished my Target Practice quilt AND THE PATTERN (it's on the website -, and my blue and white quilt should be finished in the next two weeks (I'm working on that pattern), and a third quilt - a gorgeous replica of an old princess feather quilt - should be finished in the next two weeks, too.  The pattern for that one will be started right after I finish the blue and white quilt.  So there are quilts in process for you to drool over (hopefully!).

Please take time to tell friends how dear they are....  and make this new year the best ever!

Hugs -
Sue Garman