"All Around the Town"
(c)2000 Susan H. Garman
As you can see, the quilt was done in muted brights (oops... is that a contradiction in terms?). So when Pat sent me a picture of her quilt... it was all I could do to keep myself from laughing out loud. Talk about a quilt that would make anyone smile!

Pat said her "dot drawer" was overflowing, and so she chose to make her quilt out of lots of dots. Her creative use of fabric is amazing - wouldn't you agree? If you "spot" Pat in the future, thank her for sharing. And for all the quilters out there who have doubts, who can't find a niche because their fabrics and tastes don't agree with those you so often see elsewhere... take a lesson from Pat. Use whatever you like. Pat made me smile and my guess is that you smiled, too!
Until next time, happy sewing!
(c)2009 Susan H. Garman