Here we are in the very beginning of March, and at least here on the Gulf Coast in Texas, the weather has been a bit crazy! We had a hard freeze this week, followed just a couple days later by temperatures in the 70s. And, I think we've only had a handful of sunny days in the last MONTH! I mean, who ever heard of freeze warnings and high pollen readings happening at the same time?! It's rare that we wish for summer to hurry up and get here in Texas, but that's what's happening. I want my sunshine back!
I've only got a couple of things of my own to share this month, and then I'd like to share some photos of quilts that other women have made using Mom's patterns!
So, I did get a couple of quilts quilted this month, both for friends. The first is a pink ribbon quilt for my friend Becky. I just used an edge-to-edge pattern for it, one of the free ribbon patterns that came with my Statler. I think it turned out nicely, and will make a very nice gift to someone who needs it one day.
View of the top of Becky's pink ribbon quilt. |
Closer view of the quilting and the quilt. |
View of the back of the pink ribbon quilt. |
The other quilt that I got quilted this last month was Jerrianne's flying geese quilt, or the zig-zag quilt, as I like to call it. I love the fresh autumn colors in the quilt! This one has the Baptist Fan border-corner pattern from Kim Diamond at
Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio. It's one of my faves! I did simple stitch-in-the-ditch with all of the flying geese... every stinkin' ditch! Simple, yes, but lots of stitching. I used
Microquilter thread for the first time for all the ditch work, and it was FANTASTIC! I mean, it basically disappears into the quilt. Really amazing stuff!
Overall view of the flying geese quilt. |
Closeup view of the flying geese. |
And now, a little celebration of quilts that some wonderful quilters have sent me photos of, and given me permission to post, of quilts that were made from Mom's patterns. First up, is one that I'm VERY late in posting. She sent me the photo about a year ago, and I'm so very sorry that I've neglected to show the photo until now. This is Sarah's Revival quilt made by Pat Pollock and quilted by her good friend Sue Huettl. It took Best of Show at the Evergreen Quilting Show in Green Bay, Wisconsin last year. Woohoo! Well deserved!
Pat Pollock's version of Sarah's Revival. |
Next up, I have a couple of close-up shots of some outstanding quilting on a Coxcomb Medallion quilt that was made by Tricia Cevoli. The fabric choices are beautiful and the quilting is really bringing enhancing the pattern well. I love it!
Close-up of some incredible quilting on Tricia Cevoli's Coxcomb Medallion. |
A little larger shot of Tricia's Coxcomb Medallion. |
The third quilt I have to share is The Tall Ship Elissa - My Homage to Sue Garman, made by Mandie Hartford. She is a fan of Mom's patterns and I think it shows in her work. The quilt is beautiful and the quilting is fantastic! This quilt was entered in the contest at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival this year.
The Tall Ship Elissa - My Homage to Sue Garman, by Mandie Hartford |
Next up! A pair of quilts made by Linda West. These are both applique patterns that are more whimsical or folksy in nature. And, I think they're both wonderful! Linda finished her Spring Joy quilt top just last month... so bright and cheerful, like springtime! The second is her All Around the Town quilt that she finished several years ago. She added her own personalization to this quilt, which Mom would have loved, with signs and labels to reflect the town where she lives. So cute!
Spring Joy by Linda West |
All Around the Town by Linda West |
Last, but not least, is an adaptation of the Halo Medallion quilt, made by Pamela Liston from London, Ontario. It was quilted by Renee Darkis from Alamo, Texas. Pamela replaced the row of pinwheels with a string of pearls. Then added an extra border of double flying geese because the delectable mountain border didn't leave room for a floater (due to a minor miscalculation). It turned out so beautiful! In fact, it won Best in Show at the Rio Grande Valley Quilt Guild's Quilt Show this year.
Pamela Liston's Halo Medallion Quilt. |
Thanks to everyone for sharing photos of their quilts with us, and allowing us to share them here. We love seeing all of the different final versions that are created out there, and love to see Mom live on through her patterns and inspiration.
That's all for now. See y'all next month.
Keep on quilting!